Sunday, February 5, 2012

Film Location Scouting

This weekend we explored some ancient ruins in Spokane...looking for just the right place to film an new movie we are working on. "Lady Carliss" (Chuck Black) is in pre-production stages as we speak. We have set down on paper the scenes we want to include in the movie. We have sketched out the costumes for each actor/actress and we are gathering supplies for props. There are just a few more details to tend to before we begin filming the movie. Below are some of the locations that we explored as potential filming sites.



Located in Spokane, WA, at the old Liberty Park this is sometimes called Spokane's Stonehenge. Designed and built around 1907 this park consisted of a promenade with mortared basalt walls and pillars, pathways and a concrete basin which formed a small wading pool (data taken from a Spokesman Review article). Years ago ladies would dress in there finest, carry parasols and walk the pathways showing off their finery. Even today it is not hard to imagine what it once was.

Edwidge Woldson Park

The original Corbin grounds, adjacent to the home, included an elaborate basalt children’s castle-like overlook, pathways, footbridges, and a rose garden. Based on historic photographs and recovered site plans, the grounds were restored in 2003.


We also scouted and explored the huge stone staircase at Liberty park...but do not have a photo to show you. Stay tuned...we may get one of our own photos in a bit.

Stay tuned for updates...


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